Unwrapping Null_Pointer
Just because unwrapping pictures are so incredibly fun to look at, here are a few pics taken of the unwrapping of the Barnes and Noble.com ordered version of Null_Pointer. Enjoy!
Just because unwrapping pictures are so incredibly fun to look at, here are a few pics taken of the unwrapping of the Barnes and Noble.com ordered version of Null_Pointer. Enjoy!
It looks like Null_Pointer has started to turn up online in all the usual markets. You can now purchase the trade paperback at Amazon, Barnes and Noble.com, BetterWorldBooks and LuLu.com. You should also be able to order the book now… Read More »Null_Pointer Now Available Anywhere
Hitting the market first in digital formats, Null_Pointer is selling digitally before being offered in paperback. You can now read the first book in this new mystery series about a programmer sleuth named Joshua Jones on the Kindle and in… Read More »Null_Pointer on Kindle, Smashwords and at Lulu
My new Mystery novel, Null_Pointer, is doing very well this week on Scribd. For the past six days the document has been garnering over 100 views and spiking to as much as 300 views on two of those days. Not… Read More »NP Having Success on Scribd
There is a new blog post over on NullPointer.Ning.com about the bookmarks for my my new Mystery book, Null_Pointer. You can see the latest version of the bookmark and add your comments on it. Bookmarks are a common bit of… Read More »Bookmarks
We had some last minute changes and suggestions for the cover this week. But in the end, we decided to go with the same design and just change the subtitle. It was Null_Pointer A Novel, now it’s Null_Pointer A Joshua… Read More »Null_Pointer Final Cover
I now have the ISBN and bar code for Null_Pointer. Hopefully some time this week I will have the first proof copy to scrutinize. After June 5th, I will be sending the final cover blurbs to my brother for arranging… Read More »ISBN Secured
I took the plunge with Lulu last night and purchased their Owned by You package for my ISBN. Null_Pointer should have its own ISBN some time late next week, accounting for the holiday. I should also have my first proof… Read More »ISBN and Proof Ordered
Joined Crimespace.ning.com last week. I have yet to move in and get comfortable, but will be doing so in the weeks to come. If you care to find out what I’m up to as far as my crime fiction, please… Read More »Crimespace
I have created a social media web site for each of my books thus far published, Starstrikers.ning.com and Nullpointer.ning.com, respectively. With the impending release of Null_Pointer in June of this year, I have reworked the theme of that website to… Read More »Null_Pointer Website