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Null Pointer

Latest Cover Shot

Here is the latest and quite possibly the final version of the Null_Pointer wrap around cover.  As I said before, the cover has come full circle and is back to simple and elegant.

Cover Me

It’s been a long and winding road to the final version of the Null_Pointer cover.  And it’s still not set in stone.  But I thought I would offer everyone a glimpse of where it is going and where it started. … Read More »Cover Me

Weekly Scribd Stats

This week it looks like Scribd readers were more interested in SF than in Mystery.  Perhaps some readers finished Null_Pointer and came back to see what Starstrikers was all about. I think that a mystery about a programmer sleuth has… Read More »Weekly Scribd Stats

Dark Cover Latest

This is the latest thumbnail of the Null_Pointer cover.  Comments welcome, but please be respectful of the artist and the author. ;)

NP the final cut

The final edit of Null_Pointer is being copy set at this time.  All the copy edits are complete and proofed and now it’s just a matter of putting it all together and making sure everything looks good. As for the… Read More »NP the final cut