It looks like Null_Pointer has started to turn up online in all the usual markets. You can now purchase the trade paperback at Amazon, Barnes and, BetterWorldBooks and You should also be able to order the book now from your local independent book seller. If you have an indie book store near you, I recommend that you use it.
The past week or so has been very good for Null_Pointer online. It has landed in the top 30 listings for both Scribd and Yudu, where you can read the entire novel for free. It was most recently featured in the Yudu blog – Curl Up With a Good Techno Thriller.
The success on Scribd can only be described as viral. It was placed on their Featured List last Monday and nearly doubled the views from 4000 to 8000 in a few days. It’s had over 600 downloads in that time, which in my view, is the real measure of a document’s success. My followers or Subscribers on Scribd have gone from 8 to over 2,500 during the same week. This is largely due to being on the Featured List where I now get added to every new member of Scribd.
Similar success has happened to Null_Pointer on It has gone from 35th most viewed document to 25th in just one day! Enough to garner the above review in their blog. If you search under the Books category at Yudu, Null_Pointer is currently the number 2 most popular item. Pretty cool.
“If you are interested in a quick read that will leave your blood pumping, check out Null_Pointer by Ken McConnell.” Brian – Blog
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Thanks for the cheer, Steve.
Oh and thanks for the plug on your site too!
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Woohoo! You go, Ken.