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Null Pointer

Joshua’s Cat

Sometimes I can get a good idea from these darn posts.  Joshua will have a cat at his apartment.  It belonged to his parents and he grew up with it.  It’s old and in the final phase of it’s life. … Read More »Joshua’s Cat

Blog Theme

If you are reading this blog, how do you feel about the dark theme currently used?  Does the lack of a black on white page bother you or do you prefer the current reverse of that?  I’m only asking because… Read More »Blog Theme

First Drafts

If you are reading Null_Pointer on this web site, you are reading a First Draft of the novel. First drafts are usually not seen by the public. Part of the reason for this blog is to let you see the… Read More »First Drafts

Chapter 10 Posted

Ok, so I managed to get it out finally.  Chapter 10 is posted.  It’s not the best writing I’ve ever done, but hopefully in the next version I can make it work better.

Taking a Break

I’ve been cranking away at Null_Pointer full speed for several months now.  I’m almost finished with Chapter 10.   I have added a Prelude that shows how Glenn died.  I wrote a little bit last night, but eventually, fell asleep.  The… Read More »Taking a Break

Ham Radio

Yes, I’m a ham radio operator – W0PHT. The call sign belonged to my father and was his first and last call sign. When my father died, I could not let his call sign get reassigned to a stranger, so… Read More »Ham Radio


I started writing Null_Pointer on June 15, 2006, so my editor tells me, and so far I’ve managed to crank out a new chapter or about ten pages every weekend.  There have been a few skips for real life events… Read More »Schedule


I need to have some kind of direction when writing a novel.  I have to be able to know what is coming up as I’m writing so I don’t miss something or get things out of order.  For Null_Pointer, I’m… Read More »Outlines