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Null Pointer

Chapter 9 (15oct2006)

Ok, not my best effort, but this is a first draft.  I’ll need to revise this one a good bit in the second draft.


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Chapter 9 Delay

There will be a slight delay in getting Chapter 9 out this week. I only have about three pages written as of Monday. :0 I should have something posted by Wednesday.


One of the fun things about writing a novel set in present day is that you get to have your main characters drive the kind of cars that you may love, but can’t afford. For me, that would be Porsche’s.… Read More »Cars

Thumb Drives

In chapter 6, Joshua uses a thumb drive to capture an image of Glenn’s personal PC. Impossible. A thumb drives is not as big as a hard drive. Called out on that by alert reader – KE7EDZ. So I will… Read More »Thumb Drives

Cessna 170

When I was growing up, my dad had a flying RC model that he started building when I was a little kid. He never worked on it as I can remember, but it was always around on a top shelf… Read More »Cessna 170