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Null Pointer

Character Sketches

I put a character sketch folder up on the story’s Cybercosim project page.  The first sketch is the one for Joshua Jones, the main character of Null Pointer.  That story name is starting to grow on me. Writer’s often will… Read More »Character Sketches

Revealing a Crime

Another alternate beginning I have considered would be to have Joshua find the body and report it but nothing would be suspicious until a day later, when he was going through what Glenn had changed in his source code and… Read More »Revealing a Crime

Forgot The Pizza

In the first pass at chapter 1, I completely forgot to add that Glenn had ordered a pizza and had been guzzling Mtn Dew and chips with the wrappers and empty cans strewn about.  It is not hard to imagine… Read More »Forgot The Pizza

Chapter 1 On-Line

It’s not complete, but it’s a start. You get introduced to the main hero and the first body. Let the fun begin!

Joshua – Meaning  Jeremy – This is clever.  Joshua is the name of the WOPR computer in WarGames.  Not sure if I will keep the last name, but the lead character is now Joshua.

Main Character

How about Josh Jones? – from Jeremy.  Has a nice ring to it.  I’m currently researching how to write a mystery stories and thinking about my main characters.  I’ve always been a plot first kind of writer, so this style… Read More »Main Character

Character Names

I need a name for the curious everyman hero of the story.  I figure he would be a child of the late seventies or early eighties.  The most popular male name of that period is Michael.  His sir name should… Read More »Character Names

Flash Hypnosis

Can you make a flash movie that could hypnotise someone?  I think you could, at the very least, you could use it to make subliminal suggestions.  If you could manipulate sound along with the images, you could make a flash… Read More »Flash Hypnosis


This will be the first project I write on my new MacBook and with my new favorite writing program – CopyWrite.  I started the project last night and created a characters page and a chapter 1 page.  Then I hit… Read More »Beginnings