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Writing Update

wecand via Compfight Spent the whole of the last week or two doing a final pass on Starveyors before sending it to the editor. Now I’m diving back into The Rising which will be the second book in the Starforgers trilogy.… Read More »Writing Update


I’ve put my latest novel, The Rising, on GitHub. For the non-programmers out there, GitHub is a web based front end for the most popular Open Source code repository. Translated, that means that my novel is now being backed up in… Read More »GIT Me

Taking Stock

las – initially via Compfight Today I didn’t write during my lunch hour. Instead, I read everything that I have written so far on my WIP. Sometimes its good to do that and see if you are achieving the tone… Read More »Taking Stock


Earl via Compfight All of my Star Trilogy books are designed primarily to be entertainment. If you like Space Opera, you’ll find them brimming with space battles, aliens, androids, warriors and political intrigue. They pretty much fire on all the… Read More »Layers

Weekly Writing Update

Ronn aka “Blue” Aldaman via Compfight This week I’ve started sending out copies of my second draft of Starforgers to Beta Readers. Beta Readers are an important part of the writing process for me. Not only do they catch some… Read More »Weekly Writing Update