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I’m Ken McConnell, a writer of Science Fiction novels and a scratch model maker.

The menu above contains links to all of my novels. You will enjoy the sprawling Star Saga if you like space opera adventures. The Novels page suggests a reading order.

All of my SF novels feature original starship designs on the covers. The Model Builds menu contains articles on how I designed and built each model.

Over in my Blog, you can read about upcoming model builds and learn more about the books in the series.

I hope you enjoy your stay and come back often for updates!

BETWEOS – A new standalone SF novel from Ken McConnell available now!

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Available now!

The final trilogy in the Starship Series

EXPLORER: New Horizons, EXPLORER: Searchers, and EXPLORER: Destiny

Available now, everywhere ebooks are sold

The Middle Trilogy in the Starship Series

DESTROYER: Declo Demons, DESTROYER: The Mutineers, and DESTROYER: Letting Go

Captain Vance and his crew have been in the remote Ostrov system for years, looking for the fugitive Trin Lestor. This is the story of how they found her and what that mission did to the Captain and crew of the SS Truxtun.


“If you’re a fan of war fiction, especially with aerial fighting, and like your science fiction to have a large dose of recognizable realism, Devon’s Blade is action-packed, well-researched, and a fun read.” — Self-Publishing Review

“Devon’s Blade is a solid sci-fi novella with an old school air combat appeal. It kept me interested from start to finish.” — Readers’ Favorite

“I absolutely loved the fact that the main characters were strong, flawed and fantastic females. Not all of them were likable, and they didn’t need to be.” — Sci-Fi And Scary

Starforgers_Cover_Small    The Rising Cover 2-15-16_SM    CounterattackSM