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Betweos Publication Day

The first casualty of war is the truth. In the brutal Bug War, a young soldier’s illusions of greatness are shattered. My latest SF novel is now available as an ebook. Get your copy at these fine outlets. Apple Books | Smashwords | Vivlio | Everand | Kobo | Nook | Kindle | Fable… Read More »Betweos Publication Day

Betweos Banner

Sometimes it’s fun to make ad copy for your work in progress. I think you can infer from this that Betweos is Military Science Fiction. There is another thing you could deduce from this ad. Does anyone see it?

Betweos Origins

My latest WIP is called Betweos. It’s an original Sci-Fi story that dates back to the eighties when my brother, Byron, told me an idea he had for a science fiction tale. We tweaked the idea off and on for… Read More »Betweos Origins