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Something Different

Having finished the first draft of my novella, Corvette and moving into the editing phase for my novella, K’nat Trap, I’m ready to start moving on to the next novel. This one is a stand alone SF novel not set in the Star Saga. It’s called Betweos and the story originated with my brother, Byron some thirty odd years ago. This is the novel I’ve been waiting to write for about a decade now. All the novels I’ve written to date are just practice for this one. Hopefully I’ll be able to do the story justice.

What’s it about, you ask? Well, that’s hard to say, exactly. I hope to have a decent description or pitch line for it soon. Here’s a possible back cover tag line – “The first casualty of war, is the truth.”


This novel will be shopped to agents and traditionally published. So even after it’s completed, it could be years before anyone reads it. But if none of the Big Five publishers want it or I can’t get an agent to represent it, I’ll release it myself. Rest assured, it won’t be trunked.