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Indie Author Day

I’ll be on a panel and doing a reading for Indie Author Day – October 14th a the Main Library in Boise. Looking forward to seeing everyone there. Come and say Hi to me and all the other local Indie… Read More »Indie Author Day

Starstrikers Update

The Smashwords version of Starstrikers SE (Second Edition) is uploaded and ready to order.  We’re working hard on getting the new cover finished so that I can upload that and then update the Kindle version at the same time.  I’m… Read More »Starstrikers Update

Null_Pointer Reviewed

The LL Book Review has been very kind to my books.  Shannon Yarbrough gave a pretty generous review of Starstrikers which was directly responsible for the highest monthly sales in the book’s history.  Now Shannon has reviewed my second novel,… Read More »Null_Pointer Reviewed

Reading at The Cabin

I’ll be one of the authors giving a reading from my novel Null_Pointer and discussing it at The Cabin on January 30th from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM.  Please come on down and join us! Idaho Writer’s Guild Launches New… Read More »Reading at The Cabin