The Smashwords version of Starstrikers SE (Second Edition) is uploaded and ready to order. We’re working hard on getting the new cover finished so that I can upload that and then update the Kindle version at the same time. I’m real excited to bring out this definitive version of the novel. It’s been professionally edited and painstakingly updated and is now ready to be the new canon for the series. If you have not read it yet, you won’t want to miss this version. Trust me, it’s worth talking about. So get it, read it and spread the word.
The free versions that have been available on this web site will be scaled back to a text only file. If you want the book in a particular format, please buy it on Smashwords. The new edition will be uploaded to Scribd, after the book PDF comes out in another month. It will be available on Scribd for free. I will be blogging the entire novel in April, just like I did for Null_Pointer.
This is a sneak peek at the new cover. There are many changes coming, but the layout is pretty much finalized. We’re going to make the title pop more and tone down the shiny coin and make it look more used and worn. It looks nothing short of fantastic and I can’t wait to share it when it’s finished. Oh, in case you are wondering – the artwork is pure Byron McConnell genius. Need a great cover for your novel – he’s available!
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?