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Alternative Vistas

The airwaves and Internet are saturated these days by the Microsoft media blitz for their first new operating system in five years, Vista. If you listen to the mantra, you must upgrade now or the world might pass you by.… Read More »Alternative Vistas

Return to Ruby

Now that I can get back in my Ham shack where the primary Ubuntu box sits, I can start getting back into Ruby programming again. I have gotten my MacBook all set up with Ubuntu and Ruby and now all… Read More »Return to Ruby

New Planet’s Name – Ubuntu!

I’ve thought about it long and hard, at least for five minutes. The new 12th planet should be named after the most popular Linux distribution – Ubuntu.

Ubuntu How-To Page

I ran accross this on this morning. How to Install Anything in Ubuntu. If you are a Linux Newbie and would like to understand how to administer your new Ubuntu OS, this single page how-to will be something you… Read More »Ubuntu How-To Page