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Book Launch!

Tuesday, 26th of July is the release date for COUNTERATTACK, the third book of the Star Saga. This is the final chapter of the Starforgers Trilogy. Starships led by Captain Ardel are blasting the Votainions out of space in a… Read More »Book Launch!


This month I’m focusing on two big events, the relaunching of Dispatches, my email newsletter and the launching of Counterattack, Book 3 of the Star Saga. Poking around on this site will also reveal another recent change. I updated the… Read More »Dispatches

Atom’s Back

I finally had a moment to investigate why Atom was refusing to let me type on the pages of my current WIP. It turns out that it must of been some kind of bug in the file system reader. I… Read More »Atom’s Back

SS Weippe

This is the principle vehicle of the novel I’m currently writing – Corvette. It is a 1/350 scale model with multiple mount points. (For scale reference, it’s a few inches over a foot long.) It’s the first model I’ve built with… Read More »SS Weippe