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Betweos Publication Day

The first casualty of war is the truth. In the brutal Bug War, a young soldier’s illusions of greatness are shattered. My latest SF novel is now available as an ebook. Get your copy at these fine outlets. Apple Books | Smashwords | Vivlio | Everand | Kobo | Nook | Kindle | Fable… Read More »Betweos Publication Day


by Ken McConnell Ocher sands swirled around metal-covered lenses and slowly revealed the black face of an android. A signal awakened the metal man and set the lenses aglow. The soft light from twin stars cast long, dueling shadows over… Read More »Slag

Newsletter Restarted

I’ve decided to start up my newsletter again. It’s been so long, I can’t remember the last time I actually sent one out. If you were a subscriber and you have not received this month’s issue, please resubscribe. I changed… Read More »Newsletter Restarted

Writing Update

I have completed the first round of edits for Destroyer – Book 4 of the Starship Series. The name of the book is Declo Demons. It’s the first book of the middle trilogy of the series and it’s set about… Read More »Writing Update

New Starship Models

It’s fall and the temperature here in Boise has finally come down to tollerable levels. This means it’s model building season at House McConnell. My workbench is already dirtied up with bits of plastic and a new model frame on… Read More »New Starship Models