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Busy This Week

Not much in the way of blogging for me this week. Baseball games have kicked in and I can’t even remember my name after a game. My short story is out to beta readers and I already have a new structure worked out for it based on the weak ending of draft one, I just need to bolt it on.

Regarding that short story, I can’t over-emphasize enough the importance of having a theme and doing your original source research. I wrote the story intending it to be an example of a pilot doing something stupid and learning from his mistake. After I wrote it I realized that the Canadian AF had an interesting fictional character that they used to demonstrate the wrong way to do things in a cockpit back in WWII. This character’s exploits helped pilots not to make the same mistakes. Once I read about that, I had my proper ending. I won’t say any more to avoid spoilers.

I should have researched that topic a bit better before finishing the first draft. Live and learn. But the new ending will make the story 100% better and emphasize the theme.


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