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Short Story

All things related to writing and publishing short stories.


by Ken McConnell Ocher sands swirled around metal-covered lenses and slowly revealed the black face of an android. A signal awakened the metal man and set the lenses aglow. The soft light from twin stars cast long, dueling shadows over… Read More »Slag

What’s a Silicant?

In my Space Opera series of novels and short stories I write about androids quite a bit. If you enjoy that sort of Asimovian exploration of what would happen if androids became sentient, you will certainly like my stories. I… Read More »What’s a Silicant?

The Renoke

The Renoke was my first short story sale to an online magazine. It’s a Shaggy Dog story where the payoff is in the punchline at the end. I didn’t realize that was what I had written until someone mentioned it… Read More »The Renoke