My evil plans to never use Facebook or Twitter from their respective websites is coming together. All my social networking will be conducted via my blog and Seesmic. The current wisdom about your weblife is to concentrate on a central location. For me, that will be my website. I own the domain and I control what goes on the server. I run my own copy of WordPress and MySQL. I repost my tweets to the website, so I can always go back and pull out whatever I said on Twitter, years from now. My blog posts are sent to Twitter and Facebook and if anyone comments back to them, they are captured in my blog database.
Seesmic is a web based social network client that I use to make Tweets and FB posts. But don’t look for me on Facebook just hanging out and playing games or giving updates on my life. Life’s too short to hang out on the computer all the time. I’m too involved with my kids and my writing community. But if you post to Facebook and I feel the need to comment, I will.
Anyway, all of this leads me to concentrate on the blog and website. Which hopefully will get updated more and perhaps people will comment directly on my blog from Facebook. If you want to keep up with my poignant comments on life and writing, you should be following me on Twitter. Or at least checking in to this blog and looking at my Twitter comments off to the right hand side of the blog.
My goal is to try and blog two to three times a week here at the website. My Twitter posts will probably be about that many per day, depending on what’s going on.