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The Lama Book

I’m getting back into Perl again, for a web site rewrite at work using Apache’s mod-perl. Many folks have learned Perl from the O’Reilly book, Learning Perl by Schwartz and Phoenix. About all I remember from it was that it… Read More »The Lama Book

Shell Game

I downloaded the preview of Microsoft Shell, aka Monad. One of the reasons I use Linux as my primary OS has always been the functionality of the shell. I won’t bore you with all the details, suffice it to say,… Read More »Shell Game

Hand Coding

There is a really interesting article here – Does Visual Studio Rot The Mind? by a long time Windows programmer named Charles Petzoid, the author of Programming Windows. In the article he questions the reliance of Windows programmers on the… Read More »Hand Coding

Diversion Tactics

I’m a parent of pre-school age children. I know all about diversions. I can redirect the attentions of my children at the drop of a hat to discourage deviant behavior. It beats yelling at them and it goes unnoticed by… Read More »Diversion Tactics


Welcome to my first WordPress blog. I’m not sure if I want to keep this, so don’t expect much from it over the coming days and weeks. 73, W0PHT