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Comet Images

In case you missed it this week, NASA’s EPOXI Mission few by comet 103P/Hartley 2. Go to the NASA site for some never before seen images of a comet that will blow you away. Real life science giving you SF-like… Read More »Comet Images

Numenta – A.I.

Artificial Intelligence is perhaps the Holly Grail for Computer Science.  This new company – Numenta, is leading the way to making sure AI happens.  Pretty heady stuff.  I’d like to spend some time reading the available white pages on their… Read More »Numenta – A.I.


Found this site thanks to Phil Plait over at It’s a free, web based interactive star map. It’s just too cool for words. If you love astronomy, go check it out.

Wil and Phil

Two of my favorite bloggers communicated together recently. I must have good taste in bloggers. The Bad Astronomer wrote a entry about Futurama and then Wil Wheaten commented on his bog about the same reference. Phil responded to Wil in… Read More »Wil and Phil

Skepticality and BA

Remembering Carl Those of you who know me very well, know that I am a huge fan of Carl Sagan.  Skepticality, the official podcast of Skeptic magazine has a very nice interview with Ann Druyan, Sagan’s second wife and collaborator. … Read More »Skepticality and BA

Smile Opportunity!

This is the latest image from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) now in orbit of Mars. Yes, that little metal object at the rim of Victoria crator, is the Opportunity rover. We really are on Mars. Cool.

Pale Blue Dot

“Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and… Read More »Pale Blue Dot