Overall, I’m quite pleased with the new website theme. Which is good, because I don’t really have the time to mess with it much anymore. I’ll update a few of the pages here and there and might tweak the slider images depending on what’s happening. But overall, I’m done with it. Nobody has flooded my comments with opinions, so I’m guessing everyone loves the theme and is just too busy to mention it.
Kudos to Bill Blohm for showing me how to darken the background images in GIMP, for the slider. It makes it much easier to see the white text.
The new progress bars are now circles on the main page and still bars on the actual book’s page. Two novels are underway at the moment and if you go their pages, from the top menu links, you see the old progress bars.
The theme software underneath WordPress is kinda buggy but it is getting better. Eventually I’ll be able to clean up odds and ends to make the site easier to navigate. At this time, I wish I could display images in the partial blog posts on the main page, since there is no regular just a blog page anymore. But if you click on the post from the main page, you get it full width and with images.
I’m trying to focus the content on the blog to be mainly about my books and my models. There will be posts about other topics now and again, but I’d like to steer the reader to those areas with the third being the fact that I don’t write on Windows or Mac. I think there are so few writers on Linux these days that any attention I can draw to how I actually write on the platform can only be a good thing. I realize that writers on other platforms don’t give a flying fig that I use Linux, but for that one percent that does, let them flock here for solace.
When I can get the time, I’m going to be revamping my webstore to include more formats for all my novels. Specifically, PDF. Initially, I’ll only have PDFs for those books that are available in paperback. Because to make the paperback version, you have to use PDFs.
I’ve never had advertising on my website but that doesn’t stop all manner of folks from contacting me about advertising. I have nothing against web ads, other than I find them annoying. This is my world, I prefer to not corrupt it with whatever you’ve been browsing for on Amazon.