This weekend I successfully uploaded product catalogs to Kobo and Amazon for the Star Saga – Starforgers Trilogy. About three new short stories are up now, the rest of the books now have new Calls to Action pages encouraging readers to purchase the next book in the series. Next weekend I’ll do the same for Nook and then I’ll have a similar catalog across all three platforms. At that point I’ll start freeing up some of the short stories to generate interest in the lead up to the release of Book 2. The combination of short stories, free stuff, novels and bundles all generate a marketing funnel to keep the customer coming back for more. We’ll see if that works out.
One piece of advice, what works OK for Amazon, may not work for Kobo. Best thing you can do with your epub file is run it through a validator to ensure that it uploads without errors.
The other writing related work I did this weekend was continuing to read and modify the second draft of The Blood Empress, to get it ready for my Beta Readers next month. If you want to be a Beta Reader for that novella, please join the Newsletter and let me know!