- @steveumstead I'm curious how you like reading on the Kindle Paperwhite. in reply to SteveUmstead 2013-04-30
- @jeremiahtolbert Great job on the SFWA site! Very clean and easy to navigate. 2013-04-30
- @jeremiahtolbert Also, it looks perfect in my Galaxy Nexus phone. in reply to jeremiahtolbert 2013-04-30
- First ever website brought back to life at its original URL
- Mmmm, my new blog theme handles well on my phone too. Imagine that? 2013-04-30
- I'm a horrible LinkedIn user. I'm never there, as a social network. 2013-05-01
- Sublime Text 2 is so freaking awesome. I need to learn it better. 2013-05-01
- Noon! Really? I suppose food is in order. 2013-05-02
- Okay, the Star Saga Omnibus ebook will soon be back on sale on Kindle, Kobo and Nook. It's the best way to enjoy the series, so far. 2013-05-02
- It's okay phone, I still like you. But right not, I'm playing with tablet. 2013-05-02
- Call me crazy, but this is what Halo means to me. http://t.co/TvqrR5uml3 1.jpg 2013-05-02
- @kenmcconnell http://t.co/xYxMxTByP4 That link got borked in route. in reply to KenMcConnell 2013-05-02
- The Skeptoid podcast is really fun to listen too. Kudos to Brian Dunning. 2013-05-02
- RT @omgubuntu: Show of hands: Who's Already Playing Portal on Linux? http://t.co/LmZmvHFHGk #steam 2013-05-03
- Kid had a great final band concert this morning. Last one in elementary school. Teacher thinks he should be in honor band next. 2013-05-03
- I think my writing improved when I stopped checking sales and just wrote for the joy of it. Hugh's spot on here. http://t.co/T7JgRU1emv 2013-05-03
- New post: STARFORGERS – Chapter 27 http://t.co/oeuPJGWkWI 2013-05-03
- So Flipboard for Android is not really designed for a 7 inch tablet. Can't read a two column article with it. Annoying. 2013-05-03
- What are they going to call the 7th Nexus phone? Nexus 7 is a tablet. 2013-05-03
- If Google were smart they'd make Glass only work with Android phones. You know an Apple watch won't ever work with an Android phone. 2013-05-03