- Possible Ringworld TV miniseries? I'm not holding my breath. But that's a classic! http://t.co/0IsaYb7xRI 2013-04-10
- Anyone else have this as their background? You can snag your copy on my web site's main page. Send me your bg shots! https://t.co/JKa0piYXwr 2013-04-10
- Chapter 21 of Starforgers was posted a day early. It's been updated with author's comments and reposted to the bog today…. 2013-04-11
- MS Office for Linux? Maybe. If I can just get Word. No need for any of it though, I have Libre Office. http://t.co/Vb5xxkjN0A 2013-04-11
- @hughhowey Melbourne Florida? in reply to hughhowey 2013-04-11
- Listening to Dave Brubeck's Time Out while coding. 2013-04-11
- I wish HP had a Skunkworks program to ensure Ubuntu worked on their laptops. Could decouple the company from the Windows death spiral. 2013-04-11
- RT @mykecole: Got a 2 Star Flag challenge coin! I swapped one of the new Shadow Coven coins for it. http://t.co/t0s3RMcvaf — Cool! 2013-04-11
- @brentfox Sweet! in reply to brentfox 2013-04-11
- It's a movie musical morning. Grease and Mary Poppins. Kids are cool. 2013-04-12
- Today's Dilbert reminds me of my Silicant Rights stories in the Star Saga. Only funny. http://t.co/W96fRmxTLz 2013-04-12
- RT @danblank: How you connect with your audience is a craft – a skill – that you learn: http://t.co/SrV7eTuDFK 2013-04-12
- Hard to believe I've been an Amateur Radio Operator for nearly a decade. My license is up for renewal next year. 2013-04-12
- Aaaand we're moving from Grease to Mary Poppins. My favorite movie ever as a kid. Until Star Wars came out. 2013-04-12
- Speaking of Hams. We catch things, some time. http://t.co/0TM7QGZN2E 2013-04-12
- MoMo's for lunch today! *claps with glee http://t.co/1pZCBpVudS 2013-04-12
- GitHub turns five, boasts 3.5 million users
- RT @garethlpowell: It looks as if Hive Monkey will have thirty-nine chapters, same as Ack-Ack Macaque. #amwriting 2013-04-12
- Post lunch nap time. Except I'm at work and can't. Drats. 2013-04-12
- Installing Minecraft on Ubuntu Just Got Easy | OMG! Ubuntu! http://t.co/lXGTh3EdnC 2013-04-12