- Awesome! — HP Launch Ubuntu All-In-One PC for £349 | OMG! Ubuntu! http://t.co/bxkpDiTXbr 2013-03-04
- Baseball starts Wed night with first practice. Jack's on the Colorado Rockies. Here we go! 2013-03-04
- New post: STARFORGERS Chapter 10 http://t.co/wLoOgwYDyA 2013-03-05
- RT @garethlpowell: Cover reveal: HIVE MONKEY – http://t.co/SbdA0qnSqL 2013-03-05
- Ubuntu Announce Unity Next, Will Be Written in Qt/QML | OMG! Ubuntu! http://t.co/VkJMtvcoIW 2013-03-05
- Boise State Football: Broncos Pen Deal to Play Florida State Home-and-Home | Bleacher Report http://t.co/yoQoE1VFha 2013-03-05
- Alright all you hipster tech elites, stop ditching your iPhones and coming to Android. It can't be that bad in the Apple garden. Can it? 2013-03-05
- RT @broncosportssb: Watch (and laugh at) the 2013 Boise State softball team's music video debut in this Taylor Swift http://t.co/FKxmhEMHAL 2013-03-05
- Can't get Hold On out of my head by Alabama Shakes. Just don't like that buzz at the end. 2013-03-05
- RT @hal9000_: If I do not get my way, I hold my breath until I turn BSoD 2013-03-05
- In case you missed it earlier, the cover spread for the Starforgers paperback. http://t.co/Yv1oR8KbK5 2013-03-05
- New post: Today's Wordage http://t.co/iuUwjadK2k 2013-03-06
- New post: STARFORGERS Chapter 11 http://t.co/hh0z4MqW7j 2013-03-07
- RT @cubs: We’ve launched a new marketing campaign honoring the commitment between our fans and the team. http://t.co/6j3fbdGKjZ 2013-03-07
- Spinach salad lunch. Living large here, living large. 2013-03-07
- RT @mcmurphyespn: Details on MWC & ESPN finalizing 7-year media rights deal http://t.co/9rZdLoNXM6 — Woohoo! 2013-03-07
- Why women must be at the forefront of the technological revolution
- @natemcintyre Funny that the thing he likes the most about the Nexus 4 was taken from WebOS – the wireless charger. ;-) in reply to natemcintyre 2013-03-08
- I'm tempted to piss of Verizon by keeping my GalNex phone active until it absolutely dies. Could be several more years. 2013-03-08
- Boy Scouts of America go thoroughly modern, make designing videogames a badge-worthy affair