- My back list of novels is starting to fill out on Kobo! http://t.co/QYN2Sb5S 2012-12-12
- So then, this happened today. In case you're into that sort of thing. http://t.co/jo4QnA6q 2012-12-12
- @cooper_west Thanks! Should be up on Nook and Kobo in a few days. Then I'll make more of a fuss about it. ;-) in reply to cooper_west 2012-12-12
- RT @johnmierau: This post by @hughhowey reveals a massive win but still talks the talk of an indie. Go read! http://t.co/yth8fR8h 2012-12-12
- Don't make me turn off Twitter because you've suddenly become a frakking clock! 2012-12-12
- Well, the new ebook looks great on the Kindle 3 and the Android Kindle app. I guess you can read it if you like. http://t.co/VAdTiIxX 2012-12-12
- Twelve percent finished on my current first draft. Take that, clock watchers! 2012-12-12
- As of now, all three of my Star novels are on Kindle and Kobo, Nook is taking forever to get the new one up. 2012-12-12
- Courtesy of @natemcintyre this amazing article on making Han Solo's blaster. http://t.co/dZ1ocTju 2012-12-12
- If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 https://t.co/X2x22PKh 2012-12-12
- Last post on this for the day; Starveyors now on the Nook. http://t.co/SbkQvYrC 2012-12-12
- New post: Starveyors Ebook Now Available http://t.co/5MvTIMdw 2012-12-13
- Steam Linux to Launch Open Beta Next Week | OMG! Ubuntu! http://t.co/qXxm1xaU 2012-12-13
- Giant robot movies are just not my thing. Pass. 2012-12-13
- McRibs are back! 2012-12-13
- CALM act goes into effect today, should keep TV commercial breaks quieter http://t.co/j96U6DuB 2012-12-13
- Ereader killer? YotaPhone Android prototype with dual LCD and E Ink displays hands-on (video) http://t.co/54zLonXr 2012-12-13
- RT @garethlpowell: Just did a fun interview with @StarShipSofa, talking about @AckAckMacaque. Should be available to listen to on Weds. 2012-12-14
- @fabsh He's father. That alone makes grown men cry. in reply to fabsh 2012-12-14
- Youth baseball coaches check out Coach's Eye app for Mac and Android. Great tool for analyzing swings. 2012-12-14