Just back from attending my first Norwescon. I was a panelist on three panels and I attended many more panels at my leisure on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I had a great time, saw many genre famous writers and industry professionals, and I met new friends each day. All and all a very successful trip.
This was my first time as a panelist at any convention and I must say, I enjoyed myself. Lots of smart, funny people out there that made my panels fun. Thanks to all who attended! Also, thank you to all the panelists for putting in their time and thoughts for everyone attending the convention.
I managed to work on a short story during my down time and wrapped it up on the flight home. So it was a productive and fun three days in Seattle. Hope to come back sometime and do it all again.
Here I am with the bad guys from Star Wars courtesy of the 501st Garrison Titan in Seattle.