I’ve never had it snow on us for opening day before and certainly not in huge flakes the size of Kansas! But that’s what happened during our Rookie game in the morning. Here’s a shot of Coach John and myself during the game.
We played the Stanford Cardinal who were wearing red and white. My son had played on the Cardinal coach’s T-ball team a few years back, so we were happy to see Darren again. We started out with the pitching machine, but conditions rapidly got bad and the machine was not being very accurate. We switched to coach pitch to finish the game.
I had to leave the game early in order to get to pictures for my oldest son’s team. But John said our Beavers played real hard considering the cold and the snow. At one point we were wondering if we should spray paint the balls orange so the kids could see them better.
My oldest son plays for the Fresno State Bulldogs in the AAA league. They played the Cal Bears in their exhibition game. Both teams shuffled their players around and gave kids the chance to play different postions to see how it felt. The play was not as sharp as usual as a result, but the coaches got to learn some things about their players and the Bulldogs managed to even squeak out a win.
All in all it was a great baseball day despite the cold, snow and rain. In the afternoon it cleared up and was a bit warmer. Typical.