For two months every Spring my life revolves around youth baseball. We spend on average, four nights a week and five to six days a week at the ball fields. Both of our sons are playing baseball. I assistant coach for both teams and my wife comes to every kid’s game. That’s an extraordinary amount of volunteer time on our part. I’m also a Cub Scout Den Leader as is one of my coaches. So you know that free time around the McConnell household is pretty tight for those two months.
With the season still having two weeks to go before being finished, I have thus far written three short stories. Each about 5-7 thousand words long. That’s the equivalent of three chapters of a novel. When I hear folks complain about not having time to write, I just shake my head. If you really call yourself a writer, you will find the time and just do it. For me, that time is early in the morning before anyone else gets up. It’s when I am writing this post.
It doesn’t matter how you do it, when you do it or for how long you do it. You just have to do it. Writers, write. They don’t watch TV, play games, or anything else normal people do when they have free time. They park themselves at a computer and spin yarns that other people like to read. The more you write, the better you get. Just like any learned skill. Practice makes perfection.