Writer and editor Camille Alexa has been rifting on Women in Space Westerns lately on her LiveJournal. If you don’t know who Camille is, you have not been paying attention to up and coming female SF writers.
Never one to miss an opportunity to toot my own horn, I’d like to mention how many cool female characters are in my new SF novel – Starstrikers.
Tamia – Ass kicking new member of a the top special forces team.
Millie – Marine Biology Professor and wife of the special forces team leader.
Erin – Former student of Millie’s who can best be described as a radical environmentalist.
Commander Reyna – Harsh military intelligence officer with a dark secret.
Captain Doris Anon – Senior starship captain who’s ship becomes the home for an over-zealous captain who loses his own starship in battle.
Commander Danis – Youngest starship captain in the fleet who just happens to command one of the most prestigious starships in the fleet.
That’s a lot of strong women for a military SF novel.
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Oh yeah, in fact we will see her again in short stories and perhaps a novella someday.
I like the sound of that Erin! I bet she kicks ass too.