For those Hams living in the Treasure Valley, Idaho, the Cinnabar repeater is back up with a new cabinet and all new internals. Kudos to the VOI Technical Committee for all their hard work and time invested in getting ’24 back in commision in style!
I had to scramble this weekend to find the manuals to my radios so that I could get them all set up with CTCSS as the new repeater requires it. I eventually got them located and programed, so I’m good to talk on it.
For those of you who are not Hams, a repeater is a duel radio configuration that sits atop a tall mountain and replays signals transmitted to it in order to extend their reach. The 147.24 repeater was taken out by lightening strike back in the Spring and the Voice Of Idaho Amateur Radio Club has footed the bill to replace it and update it for all Hams in the valley to enjoy. This weekend I heard contacts from McCall to Twin Falls on the new repeater so it’s back and back with a greater reach than before.