Despite my lack of concern for hardware I find it interesting to know what my peers are running. So I’ve started a My Hardware page on my blog site that lets the curious reader know what I’m running as far as hardware and to some extent the software I use most often. It would be great if this were a regular area on Tech blogs.
(I just had to add blog to my AbiWord dictionary. AbiWord itself is not in it’s own dictionary. But that’s a subject for another column.)
It’s just a start, and I did not list the graphics cards because they are all nondescript cheap things that any Gamer would scoff at. Only one machine – Renoke has a Sound Blaster audio card that is slightly more than what’s on-board most systems. I don’t game, sorry.
The next time I take a machine down, (don’t hold your breath) I will try and catalog what’s inside of it in more detail.