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Web Site Updates

Messing With Themes

Might notice some craziness in the next few days around here. I’m investigating some new themes. Sorry for the eye-ugly, things will be back to normal soon.

Site Maintenance

I’ve been cleaning up the front page of this site. Adding and subtracting things as needed. I don’t feel like changing my theme to the current trendy bare minimum look, but I have streamlined what I’m using. I added some… Read More »Site Maintenance

Website Updates

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I’ve been tweaking the website side bars a bit this week. The first thing I did was change the purchase links to a fancy pop out deal. Eventually, I’ll have links to purchase each book from three different publishers –… Read More »Website Updates

We’re Back!

For the past week I’ve been unable to post to this blog. I was not hacked. Further investigation revealed that my database had exploded to a ginormous size. This caused my hosting company to automatically block any further posting. The… Read More »We’re Back!

Site Maintenance

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I finally fixed the RSS feed on the blog to support the full post using RSS2. You may need to change your feeds accordingly. Sorry for the inconvenience. Also added bookmarks to the end of posts so you can add… Read More »Site Maintenance

Updated WordPress

This morning I updated to the latest version of WordPress, the blogging software that this site uses. I simply pushed a link and it magically just happened. I love that. No work by the admin at all. No headaches with… Read More »Updated WordPress