Shemp(VE2SHMP) lives in Trois-Riveires, Qeubec, Canada. He lives in a fourth floor of a down town office building. He’s a computer nerd and he loves poetry. It just so happens that his city hosts a huge poetry event every year. This is where he met the villian who also loves poetry.
They talk on 75 meters every night on a certain frequency. They talk mostly about poetry, conditions and sometimes about computer stuff. They talk in French most of the time. When Joshua and Dancia first hear them talking on the radio, only she can understand French. They were hoping for a juicy detail about the killings but only got small talk. Joshua borrows his Ham friend’s old tube receiver and sets it up in his computer room. They string up a long wire and it’s just enough to hear what’s being said. Then he and Dancia take turns monitoring it. Eventually, they hear some good stuff. They rig up a recorder so they can record the broadcasts and make mp3’s of them. Then they can listen to them on their iPods durning the day.
Joshua – “I’ll need some protection. Do you have a gun?”
HamFriend – Smiles, he knows Joshua knows he’s a gun lover.
Joshua – “Something for protection, you know, just in case.”
HamFriend – “I can loan you my 1911. It’s Man Stopper.”
At one point, the ham buddy and Joshua take a drive up in the foot hills and find where Lawrence G. Tagart (W5LGTT) lives. A manufactured home with one hell of an antenna farm. Turns out he’s quite the loner and has his own solar and wind generators, supplies and ammunition. Not someone they really want to get mad at them.
Note: Extra letters in the Ham call signs are intentional. Kind of like the 555 area code used in Movies.