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Betweos Banner

Sometimes it’s fun to make ad copy for your work in progress. I think you can infer from this that Betweos is Military Science Fiction. There is another thing you could deduce from this ad. Does anyone see it?


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“Designing starships with detachable heads can be traced back before the war. Nuclear stardrive ships used the technique to separate living spaces of the starship from those that contained harmful radiation. As starships adopted the safer and more efficient tunnel… Read More »STARFORGERS Chapter 25


“Senator Constantine would later remark that when she heard the news, her first thought was about her daughter Devon, stationed on Ocherva. But one has to wonder if she was also wondering about her homeland, not five short light years… Read More »STARFORGERS Chapter 3

Cover Reveal – Starveyors

Here’s a preview of the cover of my next release – STARVEYORS. This ebook will be available next month at most outlets. Once again, kudos to Byron McConnell for pulling of the trifecta of book covers!