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Meet Endora

Our family has just adopted a new pet named Endora.  She’s a former Seeing Eye Dog and comes to us via that program after things didn’t work out for her in that career. She’s a black Lab with a big… Read More »Meet Endora


So I finally got to chat with my Mom and Brother in Arizona on iChat last night.  We both have web cameras so we got to see each other.  I think this will be one of the greatest payoffs of… Read More »iChat

Riding A Bike

My oldest son Jack, (he's five) learned to ride a bike this weekend. I jogged behind him with my hand on the back of his seat letting go then catching him when he tilted too far in one direction or… Read More »Riding A Bike

New Job

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve posted, so here’s a run down of what I’ve been up too. My oldest son is on a T-Ball team and I’m an assistant coach. We’re both having a good time with it,… Read More »New Job