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Eye Protection Mode

On a lark, I tried a new word processor program called WPS Office this week. It has a free version that works on Linux, Mac and Windows. I discovered that it had an Eye Protection Mode for writing that changed… Read More »Eye Protection Mode

Switching Gears

I’ve decided to finish out the year by doing a page one re-write of Betweos. This is a stand alone novel that I’ve been working on for a long time. During a recent re-read, I discovered that I needed to… Read More »Switching Gears

Kindle Vella

I wasn’t really interested in the new Vella platform from Amazon until I found a possible use case. I created a series of related short stories while I was preparing to write the first Star Saga series, years ago. Since… Read More »Kindle Vella

Happy New Year!

Looking forward, over that massive air scoop on my hood, not into my rear-view mirror. I’ve always had better luck in odd numbered years. I was born, graduated HS, got married, and enjoyed my best book sales in odd numbered… Read More »Happy New Year!