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December 17 is the first Rush Amazon Kindle Day for my latest SF novel – TYRMIA.

Go and buy the e-book on Amazon and tell your friends to do the same!

My goal is to get as many people as possible to buy the e-book on Friday, December, 17 2010. This will boost it up the charts and give the book a jump-start before Christmas. Don’t like SF novels, but know someone who does? Gift it! Click on the link and look for the Gift It button on the right. The Sci-Fi lover in your life, will thank you. And so will I!

Stranded on a jungle world where the native aliens are being hunted to extinction by descendants of her ancestors, Szeredy must protect the tribe that befriends her or suffer their fate. Leading her adopted tribe against the technologically advanced Votains is an impossible task that she refuses to accept until they leave her no choice.
Matching wits and military prowess with a powerful Votain Commander, Szeredy sets off to a distant land to try and end the violence against her new found Tyrmian friends. What she finds in the sophisticated and cruel society of the Votains pushes her to her breaking point. If she doesn’t survive to return to the jungle, her hopes for saving the Tyrmian natives perish with her.

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