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Alternative Vistas

The airwaves and Internet are saturated these days by the Microsoft media blitz for their first new operating system in five years, Vista. If you listen to the mantra, you must upgrade now or the world might pass you by.… Read More »Alternative Vistas

Silicon Pirates

I recently watched the movie  Pirates of Silicon Valley and enjoyed it about as much as one can enjoy a made for TV movie.  I would be more interested in reading a non-fiction book about the events than a trumped… Read More »Silicon Pirates

Making iMovies

The new digital camera we have lets us take short digital video movies.  I finally used it to try out iMovie on my MacBook this weekend.  It took me a while to get used to how to edit, but once… Read More »Making iMovies

RoR on OSX

If you want to set up Rails on your shiny new MacBook, follow this page from the Hive. I followed it verbatim and now have a fully functioning Ruby on Rails install with MySql. Ready to go. Then you can… Read More »RoR on OSX

Virtual Desktops

Unless you come from a *nix background, you may not be familiar with virtual desktops. Basically, it’s more real estate for your desktop. Typically, you have four or more extra desktops that you can place open applications on and then… Read More »Virtual Desktops

MacBook Toys

I found a couple of fun apps for my MacBook that I  thought I’d share.  The first up is MacSaber a largely useless app, with plenty of Geekiness.  It uses the motion sensors in a MacBook to drive the sound… Read More »MacBook Toys