The massive rotating antenna on the top of the model was fashioned and made to move, not unlike a model airplane propeller. It took me a couple of tries to get it to rotate without falling off the model.

I was pretty pleased with how the antenna came out.

You can see that more details are being added now all over the model. Actual kit parts are the best for this, both ships and tanks. I believe the breach of the big German gun model are on top of the engines.
Below you can see the front face of the antenna from behind.

Some of the model details around the engines and the side of the hull. The key is to make it look like what you’re adding actually does something. It’s an art form and not everyone can do it right. See the movie Star Crash for how it’s done wrong.

Below you see the finished model in what I call, “parts bin camo”. ;-)

Next up comes the painting stage.