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Under the Radar

Internet storms again this week about publishing methods. Yes, I self-publish. No, I don’t think everyone should. Yes, I’m traditionally published too. Yes, I send out novel submitions to agents. No, I have yet to impress an agent with my novels. No,… Read More »Under the Radar

Double the Fun

Today I finalized the look of my short story covers and then published four short stories in epub format to Amazon Kindle. They should show up for sale in the next few days. I used Sigil to create my ebooks.… Read More »Double the Fun

Amazon Rush Results

One of my favorite Christmas movies is It’s A Wonderful Life. Clarence’s final message to George, “No man is a failure who has friends.” has resonated with me on a personal basis over the years. I’ve always surrounded myself with… Read More »Amazon Rush Results


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December 17 is the first Rush Amazon Kindle Day for my latest SF novel – TYRMIA. Go and buy the e-book on Amazon and tell your friends to do the same! My goal is to get as many people as… Read More »Buy TYRMIA Day