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Amateur Radio

“Radio” Shack

Ham radio operators have joked about this irony for decades.  You used to be able to buy Amateur Radio gear at the Radio Shack store – hence it’s use of the Ham radio term “radio shack” in the title.  But… Read More »“Radio” Shack

QSL Cards

Recently my mother had the chore of cleaning out my father’s side of the family’s old house in preparation for selling it. She went through all of my grandmother’s old papers and came across some of my father’s old QSL… Read More »QSL Cards

Geek Garage Net

It’s getting cooler out in the shack, time to start up the GG net again.  If you can get the word out, add a comment that you are interested and what night would work for everyone.  We were meeting Saturday… Read More »Geek Garage Net

Ham Music Video  (Requires Real Media) Giving new meaning to being a Ham.  Thanks to KI4GMX for this one!