Joe Walsh’s new album is his first in something like twenty years. What a come back! Analog Man is chock full of straight ahead rock songs with real guitar riffs and Joe’s famous attitude.
For those of you under the age of say, forty, Joe Walsh used to be in a band your parents listened to called The Eagles. The Joe Walsh song you’ve probably heard but never knew who played it, was “Life’s Been Good”. Joe does a great answer to that rock classic in “Lucky That Way” on this new album. Worth the price of admission, right there.
As I get closer to a half century old, I’m starting to really relate to songs like “Analog Man” and “Family” on this new album. But least you think this is a lame album by some old, tired rocker; know that this man can still cut a tune.
Also, Joe’s a well known Amateur Radio (Ham Radio) enthusiast with the call sign of WB6ACU. You can check out Joe on the Ham Nation podcast where he composed the theme song for the show.
I’m more of a “Meadows”, “Ordinary Average Guy”, “Rosewood Bitters” kinda fan. Thanks for pointing this out. I’ll have to check up on what Joe’s been doing.
Well said Ken. Couldn’t agree more. This is a fantastic album. After seeing him live in August, my only regret was that he only played “Analog Man”. This new album is ripe with a host of tracks that are all worthy of radio play and his ability to play guitar is better than ever.