This year was the first year in over a decade that I didn’t actually publish anything. My initial goals were to finish three novellas so that I could begin publishing them next year. I managed to write two of them in a year. I’m still many months away from finishing the third novella and from publishing any of them. So that goal will extend deeper into 2020 than I anticipated.
The first novella of the Destroyer Trilogy was written quite fast and cording to my Beta Readers, is one of their favorite things I’ve ever written. But getting that second novella done took most of the year and was a real pain in my ass. I managed to finish it just a few days before the end of 2019. It still needs a good edit, but I think it allowed me to move the story arc along nicely, for a great final book. I’m already 1400 words into book three as of this writing and I have a renewed enthusiasm for the series.
My writing output has been slow this year, and I think the biggest reason is all the time I’ve spent volunteering with Civil Air Patrol. I took over as the Squadron Commander for the Boise Composite Squadron in October of 2018 and CAP has become something akin to a full time second job this year. Time spent at activities and worrying about personnel issues has drained me quite a bit this year. Hopefully I can manage that position a bit better in the next three years, until I hand it over to someone else.