- New post: STARFORGERS Chapter 8 http://t.co/3w4L3bC86U 2013-02-26
- Meet ownCloud 5, The Open Source Dropbox
- Everyone should learn to code :-) https://t.co/Jrl3yBOtjq 2013-02-26
- No green screens in my feed. VFX got me into films, where I eventually got into screenplays and then much later, books. 2013-02-26
- Bummer, my flyover state could use one! Andy Rubin confirms 'No plans' for Google retail stores http://t.co/xxVLilyLRJ 2013-02-26
- Computer Science Education Had A Good Day In America
- Dang-it, @shawnp0wers you got me considering a tablet now. Been safely out of that fray for years now. *shakes fist 2013-02-27
- New post: STARFORGERS Chapter 9 http://t.co/q5ymocNhn3 2013-02-28
- Listening to Triangulation's interview with Cory Doctorow. http://t.co/hI077UZjev 2013-02-28
- New post: Free Novels are Free http://t.co/bPhWAiBvcG 2013-02-28
- @broncop3t3_ Too bad it wasn't a requirement to teach programming instead. Sigh. in reply to BroncoP3t3_ 2013-02-28
- I'd like Ubuntu to be on a rolling release schedule for apps only. I can live with OS updates on a fixed schedule. 2013-02-28
- @steveumstead Gotta say, I won't be replacing my reader with a reader. Probably be a tablet. I read on my phone more than the reader. in reply to SteveUmstead 2013-02-28
- Lost 'Star Wars' Documentary Gives an Inside Look at 'The Empire Strikes Back'
- New post: Free Short Story on Kindle http://t.co/6WD3GKqwdm 2013-03-01
- Just corrected huge mistake on my blog. Now the Star Series Omnibus has a page of its own. Celebrate by purchasing it! 2013-03-01
- Grow Your Twitter Followers By Being Nice And Informative
- Every day I utter the same mantra. Windows sucks, Windows sucks, Windows sucks. You really shouldn't hate the OS you have to run. 2013-03-01
- Corning's curved Willow Glass won't appear in flexible displays until 2016
- BigDog 'mule' robot wreaks havoc with herculean throwing arm