This is the first sketch I’ve done of the cover for my next novel, XiniX. The book will be written after I finish and publish Starveyors later this year. So look for it fall of 2013.
I just did this real fast on a piece of scratch paper. It’s not perfect in any way, except that it gets across the subject of the book – the Silicant home world. That little smudge on the lower right is an Alliance ship approaching XiniX. The Silicant home world is actually a dual Dyson Sphere. Two off-set shells around a star. The space between the shells and the open areas are for venting stellar radiation.
Now I just have to see how hard it will be to execute the picture and who best to use as the artist. I obviously have a thing for covers with circles on them.
Click image to embiggen. But be forewarned, it’s not very clear.