- New post: Starforgers Update http://t.co/vfM8XP7S 2011-10-04
- I have always thought the iPhone 4 was kinda clunky looking. I hope the 5 is more elegant. Like the Macbook Air. 2011-10-04
- Siri, rm -r. 'nuff said. 2011-10-04
- Wow, Wall Street not liking the 4S. Apple stock down a bit. 2011-10-04
- @shawnp0wers I'm waiting for Nexus Prime. Never owned a pure Google phone before. in reply to shawnp0wers 2011-10-04
- New post: Self-Publishing Processes – Editing http://t.co/KTa2yaJf 2011-10-05
- So happy that @doctorow is writing sequel to Little Brother. 2011-10-05
- This makes sense, tablet and phone smashup – http://t.co/HDWt0UzC 2011-10-05
- Write Sci-Fi? Read this article by Neal Stephenson. http://t.co/BFIq5th8 2011-10-05
- I just love listening to Pink Martini. 2011-10-05
- My netbook is waiting… http://t.co/xrPI6OZc 2011-10-05
- Finished copy edits for chapter 1 and 2 of Starforgers yesterday. Onward to chapter 3 and hopefully 4. 2011-10-06
- I hope that someday I'm so successful that I have to get other people to write my book series and do my blog posts. 2011-10-06
- Home with a sick kid, watching the rain between chapters of copy edits. Making good use of my time. 2011-10-06
- My Steampunk-ish, Sci-Fi meets Avitar-ish aliens novel – Tyrmia, is finally getting a few sales. Still only a buck! http://t.co/jKy3wXY5 2011-10-07
- BSU Broncos vs FSU Bulldogs tonight on ESPN. Go BRONCOS! 2011-10-07
- Yup, the Fire is contained in an asbestos garden wall. This is not a real tablet. http://t.co/bqdTsBVp 2011-10-07
- Which begs the question why are the drones not using a *nix based OS? http://t.co/1zLIVJqx 2011-10-07