- Listening to time-shifted episode of TWiT. Almost irrelevant, four days later. Damn tech news. 2011-09-08
- The first regular episode of Star Trek aired on Thursday, September 8, 1966. I have the same birthday as Star Trek. But I'm a year older ;-) 2011-09-08
- @npridaho Thanks Nancy! in reply to npridaho 2011-09-08
- New post: Birthday Balloon http://t.co/w2Q7xQV 2011-09-08
- @ThinkJeffThink NO. WAY! Awesome! in reply to ThinkJeffThink 2011-09-08
- Heathkits making a comeback? Sweet! http://t.co/O2b09Eb 2011-09-08
- New post: Our New Car http://t.co/R9HP1bK 2011-09-08
- Made it work this morning in the new Civic. Sweet ride. Oh, and my ancient Droid even works to make calls over Bluetooth. 2011-09-09
- Lots of writer kickstarters out there. Someday when I have more than two fans, I'll give that a try. LOL 2011-09-09
- Wohoo, got my This is Life Kickstarter booster email from @sethharwood. Can't wait to read it. 2011-09-09
- One good thing about being your own publisher, no secrets. I will never have a "sekrit" project. 2011-09-09
- @Melcom1 Do humans get out of air? in reply to Melcom1 2011-09-09