- How can I use Evolution on Unity, when I can't see the setup screens on my netbook? Seriously devs, step away from your HDTV size monitors. 2011-05-09
- I could live with this laptop, easy. http://bit.ly/iWbiob 2011-05-09
- There goes another fine project to the dark side. See ya Skype, your soul belongs to Micro$oft now. http://tcrn.ch/juA93s 2011-05-10
- I should not be allowed to have this much fun writing a novel. Seriously. Too. Much. Fun. 2011-05-10
- Inception explained in one minute using Finder folders. http://bit.ly/lg1WZd Tip of the Hat to Jim McKeeth. 2011-05-11
- When I was a teenager I wrote a screenplay called, "Mission to Vesta". Now, a real mission is approaching the asteroid.http://bit.ly/jNn4B5 2011-05-11
- "Time is an illusion. Lunchtime, doubly so." Douglas. Adams 2011-05-11
- Okay Angry Birds in my browser is just evil. Evil, I tell you! 2011-05-11
- Jedi robots from Japan. #starwarscomestolife http://www.shortlist.com/cool-stuff/gadgets/jedi-robots#image-rotator-1 2011-05-11
- Little known fact about me: I have a bath towel from Marks and Spencer in England. A prized possession for this Adams fan. 2011-05-11
- Must remember to pick up milk on the way home. *Memory power: activated. Form of: a sticky note to my smart phone. LOL 2011-05-11
- Been reading Booklife by @jeffvandermeer I highly recommend it for writers. http://amzn.to/iQW5t9 2011-05-12
- June 7th is the release date for the new True Grit movie DVDs. FYI 2011-05-12
- @jamis sudo = soo-doh in reply to jamis 2011-05-12
- New post: Revenge, is a Dish Best Served Cold http://ken-mcconnell.com/?p=3293 2011-05-13
- Space Pirates, the original Starstrikers. *Will make sense after you read my next book. LOL 2011-05-13
- New post: Endora's Delight http://ken-mcconnell.com/?p=3297 2011-05-13