Continuing with my habit of sketching scenes from my written Work In Progress, here are some sets from the upcoming Starforgers novel.
The Senate chambers on Selene are considerably more intimate than in the Star Wars movies. I wanted to suggest that the Federation was a closed group of elites. They are very reluctant to add new member planets to the Federation. Where would they sit?
This sketch depicts a scene not yet written but imagined never-the-less. It shows the android Thirty-seven, Senator Gail Constantine and her aid, Sumi-Ness addressing the Senate during a time of crisis. I’m not going to go into any details of what happens here, but I did want to show off this sketch as it’s the only one with Gail and Sumi-Ness. Notice that I don’t draw faces very well. LOL Actually, sometimes that helps the writer and then the reader fill in the blanks.
There is a scene early on in Starforgers where the Senate watches footage of the SS Bourke getting attacked by mysterious green starfighters. It’s a brief bit of footage and it doesn’t explain much but the implications are there that perhaps there are not so friendly races out in the black.